
December 31, 2009

I got a bear from Merov Linden. He was a bit reluctant at first because he felt his bear was ugly. I pressed on and said I would be more than happy to have an ugly bear in my collection. He gave me an object called “Nounours”. I like the cute smiley face on his nose. Merov Linden works with the open source viewer.
posted by Dedric Mauriac on Hippotropolis using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]


December 31, 2009

I got a bear from Merov Linden. He was a bit reluctant at first because he felt his bear was ugly. I pressed on and said I would be more than happy to have an ugly bear in my collection. He gave me an object called “Nounours”. I like the cute smiley face on his nose. Merov Linden works with the open source viewer.
posted by Dedric Mauriac on Hippotropolis using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]

RacerX Gullwing opens a new sim

June 8, 2007

This is amazing. RacerX invited over 700 of his favorite friends over to a new sim he had been working on. There were some nice effects all around. I wondered around and found a chair that gives a tour. I hopped on and it started preloading sounds. While I was flying, the smiley face on the back of the chair actually started talking. It had animations and everything. The tour lasts about five minutes. I like the fact that it talks so that I have time to look around rather than having to read things quickly.
posted by Dedric Mauriac on PAConsulting 2 using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]