Tea House Tales @ Diegoland

Crap Mariner reads off many of his “Wacky Adventures of Abraham Lincoln”. Many of his stories consist of exactly 100 words and appear often on his 100 word stories podcast. Crap holds a portait of Lincoln while he reads off his funny tales. They all give me a good laugh. Many are based on funny sayings that people say Lincoln did. Crap Mariner puts a twist on them not only taking them literally, but taking them to the next level to make is silly. Some are also political with todays news, where others can be pretty comical with adult oriented content. Crap also has some great impersonation voices for his character too.
posted by Dedric Mauriac on Diegoland using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]

2 Responses to Tea House Tales @ Diegoland

  1. Crap Mariner says:

    I had a lot of fun doing this one. yeah, I was lazy and just did the Abe stuff, but I like the Abe stuff and it got me in the mood to try to finish 10 more of them.


  2. It sounded like you were having a lot of fun. I am glad that I was able to make it and hear some of your tales.